shampoo for the purification and thorough cleaning of the hair, does not harm the hair color and leaves no dry sense. /U> which prevents protein loSR during overlap. That were on hair and scalp, 95% of the boom and 76% of the copper accumulated as a result of hard water. span>
Unexpected hair accumulations can happen from the use of products, metals and minerals Drived from hard water and even natural grease of the scalp. This accumulation may be burdensome on hair, diminish hair color and even cause damage and rough texture and curd.
This shampoo has a number of designations:
Cleaning a page and thorough hair and scalp - does not dry the hair and opens the hair follicles that have been staged as a result of dirt, fat, silicons and other materials left behind as a result .
cleaner and breaks the way span> - prepare the hair to maximum results of K18 molecular repair treatment. Whether it is hair coloring, clarification, design or molecular repair treatment of K18
Creating an ideal healthy hair base - an ideal formula consisting of only 18 components! Safe to the hair color and provides more page and thorough cleaning without violating the balance of the hair and scalp environment, all without drying your hair and scalp.
dirt, fat, accumulation of products and metals, all stored and accumulated on our hair and scalp and can cause damage and imbalance. Ditox K18 checked the hair effectively from these accumulations, effectively faced with the hard water damage that is common in most countries of the world and all with a formula tailored to the PH level that our hair and scalp like, the formula is safe for the hair color and will not leave the hair dry and curved. In addition, the shampoo contains span> k18Peptide ™ span> that helps maintain strength and flexibility of hair.
Bonus : Creating pure and clean hair canvas helps to achieve optimal results from molecular repair treatments of K18
- Clinically proven as a delivery of 99% of the aggregate of the dirt in the hair*
- Clinical proven as a delivery 95% of the scalp bourgeois*
- Clinically proven to be a remover 76% of the copper in the hair while overlap!*
- Safe and does not harm the hair color
- Drmatological tester
- PH level of 3.8-4.2 that helps maintain hair color and hair moisture.
- A clean formula consisting of only 18 components!
- Without, sulfats, parabens, silicons and edible colors.
* The results were observed on clarified hair after one overlap in the Ditox Shampoo
All of us, regardleSR of which type of hair we have or which products we use should use shampoo for purification of hair and scalp in our grooming routine to remove unwanted hair and scalp residues, reset the hair texture and maxiMuze performance of future products or treatments. /p>
- You have to replace your daily shampoo with our powerful dynox shampoo span> once a week span> or as needed to reset and clean your hair and scrub thoroughly.
- There must be applied to wet hair and thoroughly maSRage the hair and scalp.
- Wash well.