For Balance and Improve Skin Inside

    The Nutrient series incorporates the macrobiota to strengthen the skin's defense barrier from external harmful factors. At the same time recruits the "super foods", which provide a high and high quality skin of construction components, which enable regeneration, biological functions and maintaining normal levels of moisture and nourishment.

    To improve the moisture and elasticity

    Hydra series emphasizes support and preservation of elastin, improving skin elasticity and increase in water content. Based on plant extracts, different types of hyaluronic acid and lactic acid that also enhances the skin volume and the grip of moisture for a long time.

    Renewal and Improve Skin texture

    At the heart of the FIX series are two types of retinol and peripheral support and empowering the retinol, we have incorporated the EGF from a naval source that functions as a growth fixture for new cells, vitamin C to increase the collagen synthesis and a more uniform skin tone and hyaluronic acid that contributes to the proliferation of cells. /p>

    To improve solidity

    The FIRM series is based on land and dry plant extracts designed to prevent changes in collagen quality, encouraging new collagen production and protecting it. Combined with minerals that help the overall regeneration of the skin and contribute to improving its resilience and solids.

    Looking Full Zohar

    The Glow series gives the skin real and healthy glow that comes as a result, from a consistent depth work of enriching cells in oxygen that drives the skin to streamline biological proceSRes, which enhance the levels of energy in cells and restore the mirror

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