Proberry met the 2 new players!!

Nov 15, 2022

Goji berries are small berries that grow in Southeast Asia and are considered one of the most powerful superfoods in the world. The color of the goji berry comes from a substance called Zeaxanthin, which is an extremely powerful antioxidant and a perfect source of zinc, iron, copper, calcium, vitamins: B, 2B, 6B1 and vitamin E, known for their significant contribution to the rejuvenation and strengthening of the human body, and as a major contributor to hair care and repair. Protects hair from radiation, contains antioxidants for nourishment, softness and natural shine. Helps keep your hair vital, soft, improves the appearance of the hair and returns it to its natural state. Here at Proberry, we have created the perfect series for you - a professional brand, innovatively developed using advanced technology to restore and care for your hair, based on the magnificent properties of the goji berry, which provide full coverage and support for the hair. A variety of solutions for all hair types. At Proberry, we make sure to use the highest quality and most advanced raw materials available on the market. All of our products undergo rigorous testing and are manufactured under GMP standards while maintaining strict standards. The products do not contain: salts or parabens.

Proberry's new mask