Mona - Advanced home appliance and body firming
Mona - The innovative device designed for daily use of homemade, lifting, stretching and sedative of the face and body.
The only device in the world that operates 3D technology and incorporates advanced 360 -degree technologies for all parts of the body. p>
In the world's most advanced technologies - radio waves (RF), muscle stimulation (EMS) and phototherapy.
The device is designed to use cosmetic and also for health use in all parts of the body, including face -to -shoulDr shoulDr buttons and more.
to the facial area- The device helps fir with the skin in reducing the skin clarification and pagan stains and receiving a smooth and fresh solid skin appearance.
to the body area- reduces stretch marks, cellulite, lipid maSR (also effective to the arms, the buttocks for the hips and basically for any body in the body). p>
The device provides 3D maSRage that simulates a real maSRage that improves blood flow, helps relieve painful muscles and occupants in the back, shoulDrs, habits and all other parts of the body.
Mona is the most advanced device that incorporates the most innovative technologies in the world, is designed for daily use of homemade, lifting, stretching and sedation of the skin of the body, neck and cleavage.
EMS streams operate metabolic proceSRes in skin -treated areas. The streams penetrate the depth of the tiSRues and perform a function that stimulates the muscles, restore the muscular relationship and the natural work of body and face muscles. span>
combined with the 3D 3D maSRage function can help and accelerate blood flow, effectively raise fatigue and edema of the facial and body muscles and improve the appearance of the skin. span>
LED- span> Innovative and breakthrough technology span> span> developed by the American Space Agency NASA. /span>
LED treatment accelerates the recovery, collagen and antioxidant production help with the firming and lifting of the skin and also unique to skin tone, raises the effectiveneSR of the use of cosmetics, prevents inflammation and fights bacteria. Deep cells that help accelerate skin metabolism, improve skin elasticity, firm and so on. span>
The device has 5 types of different colors with 3 different wavelengths. span>
Each color is able to work separately with the head of the skin care maSRage. span>
rf- Renewal of skin surface with radio waves: span>
The use of the RF technology is designed to restore the elasticity and solids of the skin by exposing it to 1 megapped frequency pulses. Radiation penetrates tiSRues until fat tiSRue, heats them to a temperature of 45-50˚с and causes the diluted of the fatty sub-layer. The compression of a skin collagen during this heating provides a lifting effect and stretching. span>
Comedy reduction with radio waves causes a high frequency of water molecules in a particular depth of the skin, span>
The heat created from high -speed rotating friction causes collagen fibers to shrink and pour loose skin, wrinkles and wrinkles.
The thermal effect created in the Drmis layer re -collagen, re -arranges it and a damaged and aging collagen facility. span>
The electromagnetic device stimulates the subcutaneous collagen immediately, and continues to renew it in the long run, while achieving firming, reducing wrinkles, white and renewal.
Innovative device designed for daily use of homemade, level, stretching and sedation of the skin of the body, neck and cleavage. Provides a lifting effect.
Mona Treatment allows Skin combined with 3D formulated maSRage heads designed specifically for their rotation system, as well as with the help of electric stimulation technologies (EMS), radio waves (RF) and light treatment (LED). For each procedure, you can choose 1 out of 5 LED treatment modes.
3 the rotation of the maSRage heads allow you to adjust the intensity of the maSRage effect.
Persistent use and over time will see results of lifting, stretching, firming and regeneration. span>
accelerate metabolic proceSRes in the face, neck and body span>
Tension reduction from muscles
wrinkle reduction and future wrinkle prevention
Improve skin tone
restore the interior ellipse form span>
Disputes of Disputes in Skin Poppies Span>
It is recommended to use maximum effect and effect daily.
Suitable for all skin types, unlimited age.
: span>
Regularly used in Mona, the skin appearance improves and the quality of the skin improves.
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