You're allowed to want to look good. Anti-aging is not a dirty word.

Feb 19, 2024

Guest blog about medical aesthetic treatments from an unapologetic patient

At the age of 25, I wanted to treat the wrinkles that appeared on my forehead and between my eyebrows, but I didn't feel like I had the
Legitimacy. I needed someone to come and tell me: You are allowed to look good – at any age. And who decides what
Is it considered good for you? Only you. I was frustrated every time I looked in the mirror. I cut my bangs short instead
To smooth out wrinkles, I used it to hide everything I didn't want to see on a daily basis.
At the age of 32, I decided to take the plunge. I talked to friends who helped me understand that anti-aging treatments aren't necessarily
They will make me look like a cartoon character, they will help me maintain a youthful skin appearance. When I arrived at the aesthetic doctor
My Dr. Caspi debunked the myths related to anti-aging that prevented me from taking this step:
1. Not anti - there is nothing negative about wanting to look good, I am allowed to do things to be satisfied
From my appearance
2. Non-aging - these treatments are also suitable for young people, even a 25-year-old girl with wrinkles between her eyebrows.
It bothers her… We are all aging from the moment we are born. Obviously at 25 I didn't have the skin of a daughter
16, and there's no shame in taking care of it if looking youthful is something that's important to me.
Some women and men dye their hair, and some don't. It happens at any age, and it's legitimate. There are women and men
that smooth out wrinkles, and some that don't. This also happens at any age, and it's also legitimate. I would be happy to be at peace with
My hair is the way it is, but I straighten it without shame. I would also be happy to be complete with my appearance.
My skin is the way it is, but I probably got too much sun exposure or I got wrinkled genetics… It took me a while,
But in the end I realized that I shouldn't be punished for it and ashamed to treat it. Dr. Caspi helped me understand that my treatment
Anti-aging can look natural. It uses ingredients and methods that delay the changes of
The skin that makes it look older, and helps the skin look good and healthy, and still natural.
People who know me can't tell that I injected Botox for wrinkles, and it doesn't matter at all if they do.
What matters is that I smile when I look in the mirror. When I said this to the manager of Treatmed Clinics
She asked me if I would like to write a blog about my experiences in the world of medical aesthetics. I decided yes, this is it.
My mission now is to normalize these treatments. Because you're allowed to look good.
Botox - check. Next time I'll talk about other treatments...
A patient who doesn't apologize

For more details about the treatments I underwent, visit the Treatmed Clinics website.